The wiki did not contain a suitable solution either; I have pasted/attached the settings file and relevant log(s) in the Attachments section at the bottom of the report. Mandatory: the settings file and at least the most recent log. See this wiki page if you're not sure where to find them. Description qBittorrent info and operating system(s). This detailed tutorial will show you how to completely remove the qBittorrent client when other techniques fail. QBittorrent version 4.3.5 torrents stuck in queued state after installing from 4.3.2., download works but no seeding. Hi i recently upgraded qbitorrent from 4.3.2. To 4.3.5, and after the upgrade my torrents (cca 250 of them) are now stuck in 'queued state'. The download works fine, but there is no seeding for most of my torrents, only like 3-5.
Hi everyone,I have a very annoying issue with qBittorrent. It's not seeding once the files finish downloading when Torrent Queueing is enabled.
Qbittorrent Not Downloading At Full Speed
It says 'Seeding' on some, but they just sit colored black at 0KB/s even though there are leechers.If I FORCE RESUME them, they start seeding.
Also, I have Torrent Queueing enabled. 'Do not count slow torrents....' is enabled too with the following settings:
Download threshold - 150KB/sec
Qbittorrent Not Downloading Reddit
Qbittorrent Not Downloading
Upload threshold - 150KB/secInactivity - 60s
Even with these set, qBittorrent doesn't start seeding other files, regardless of the fact that all the ones that are 'Seeding' are sitting there at 0KB/s without changing. Am I getting those settings wrong somehow?
If I disable Torrent Queueing, the torrents start seeding.