Itunes 10.6 3

  1. Itunes 10.6.3 64-bit
  2. Itunes 10.6.3

ITunes 10.6.3 (for some reason Apple skipped over 10.6.2 in its updating) offers a number of bug fixes: Addresses a problem where iTunes may become unresponsive when syncing a first-generation. ITunes (latest) iTunes 12.9. With iTunes in the Cloud, the music, applications, and books you purchase automatically appear on all your devices. Or you can download only the stuff you want — including movies and TV shows — to just the devices you want.1 It’s all part of iCloud and iTunes 10.6. ITunes 10.6.3 includes support for OS X Mountain Lion and addresses a number of important issues:. Addresses a problem where iTunes may become unresponsive when syncing an iPad (1st generation) that contains an iBooks textbook. Fixes a problem where photos synced to a device may appear in an unexpected order.

Itunes 10.6.3 64-bit


Itunes 10.6.3

Apple has released iTunes 10.6.3, a maintenance update that adds compatibility for the imminent public arrival of Apple’s next major operating system (see “OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion to Ship in July 2012,” 11 June 2012). It also fixes several issues, including unexpected deletion of both apps on a device as well as playlists created on a device, photos syncing to a device in an unexpected order, and an issue where iTunes became unresponsive when syncing to an original iPad that contained an iBooks textbook. (Free, 176.9 MB via Software Update)