Open Cdf File

There are 12 other file types using
the CDF file extension!

.cdf - Comma Delimited Data Format

.cdf - Cyberspace Description Format

Note that this function can be very memory intensive with large CDF files. Returns a list structure. The exact contents may vary depending on the file format of the cdf file (see check.cdf.type) Author(s) B. Wolfram Player only supports Wolfram CDF (.cdf) files. A few other file formats also use the.cdf extension. Those cannot be opened using Wolfram Player. Attempting to open a non-Wolfram.cdf file will trigger the general warning message “This file is not a Wolfram CDF file and cannot be opened by the notebook front end.”. CDFOPEN: Open an existing CDF file. CDFINQUIRE: Call this function to find the general information about the contents of the CDF file. CDFCONTROL: Call this function to obtain further information about the CDF file: CDFVARINQ: Retrieve the names, types, sizes, and other information about the variables in the CDF file. CDFVARGET: Retrieve. List of software applications associated to the.cdf file extension. Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.) and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open cdf file, edit cdf file, convert cdf file, view cdf file, play cdf file etc. (if exist software for.

.cdf - InstallShield components definition

.cdf - Microsoft Channel Definition Format

.cdf - Unidata Network Common Data form

.cdf - Nominal Small Business Accounting Software company data

Open Cdf File

.cdf - MicroSim PCBoard component description

.cdf - Xilinx Integrated Software environment chain description file

.cdf - Computable Document Format

.cdf - GSFC Common Data Format

.cdf - Affymetrix chip definition data

.cdf - CryENGINE character definition

Open Swf File Mac Os X

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Open Cdf File Matlab

CDF file extension- Content definition data

What is cdf file? How to open cdf files?

The cdf file extension is associated with applications, that are developed by the ECMG, LLC.

The cdf file contains data in XML format. It used to exchange data between repositories or organizations.

This cdf file type entry was marked as obsolete and no longer supported file format.

This type of file is no longer actively used and is most likely obsolete. This is typically the case for system files in old operating systems, file types from long discontinued software, or previous versions of certain file types (like documents, projects etc.) that were replaced in higher versions of their original programs.

The default software associated to open cdf file:

Company or developer:

ECMG Reader is used to review, audit, and test ECMG's Content Definition (CDF) and Content Transformation (CTF) files.

Help how to open:

This file type is not meant to be opened directly, there is no software that could open and work with it directly, or there is no information available in public sources about opening this file type. This is usually the case of some internal data files, caches, temporary files etc.

How to convert:

As far as we know, this .cdf file type can't be converted to any other file format. This is usually the case of system, configuration, temporary, or data files containing data exclusive to only one software and used for its own purposes. Also some proprietary or closed file formats cannot be converted to more common file types in order to protect the intellectual property of the developer, which is for example the case of some DRM-protected multimedia files.

List of software applications associated to the .cdf file extension

Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open cdf file, edit cdf file, convert cdf file, view cdf file, play cdf file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database).

Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting cdf files.

Software that open cdf file - Content definition data

Programs supporting the exension cdf on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about ECMG Reader for open cdf file action.

Microsoft Windows:


data = cdfread(filename) reads all the data from the Common Data Format (CDF) file specified filename. Specify filename as a character vector or string scalar. CDF data sets typically contain a set of variables, of a specific data type, each with an associated set of records. The variable might represent time values with each record representing a specific time that an observation was recorded. cdfread returns all the data in a cell array where each column represents a variable and each row represents a record associated with a variable. If the variables have varying numbers of associated records, cdfread pads the rows to create a rectangular cell array, using pad values defined in the CDF file.


Open Cdf Files Win 7

Because cdfread creates temporary files,the current working directory must be writeable.

data = cdfread(filename, param1, val1,param2, val2, ...) reads data from the file, where param1, param2,and so on, can be any of the parameters listed in the following table.

[data, info] = cdfread(filename,...) returns details about the CDF file in the info structure.

'Records'A vector specifying which records to read. Record numbers arezero-based. cdfread returns a cell array with thesame number of rows as the number of records read and as many columnsas there are variables.
'Variables'A 1-by-n or n-by-1 cellarray specifying the names of the variables to read from the file. n mustbe less than or equal to the total number of variables in the file. cdfread returnsa cell array with the same number of columns as the number of variablesread, and a row for each record read.
'Slices'An m-by-3 array, where each row specifieswhere to start reading along a particular dimension of a variable,the skip interval to use on that dimension (every item, every otheritem, etc.), and the total number of values to read on that dimension. m mustbe less than or equal to the number of dimensions of the variable.If m is less than the total number of dimensions, cdfread readsevery value from the unspecified dimensions ([0 1 n],where n is the total number of elements in thedimension.
Note: Because the 'Slices' parameterdescribes how to process a single variable, it must be used in conjunctionwith the 'Variables' parameter.

A Boolean value that determines whether cdfread automaticallyconverts CDF epoch data types to MATLAB® serial date numbers.If set to false (the default), cdfread wrapsepoch values in MATLAB cdfepoch objects.

Note: For better performance when reading large data sets,set this parameter to true.
'CombineRecords'A Boolean value that determines how cdfread returnsthe CDF data sets read from the file. If set to false (thedefault), cdfread stores the data in an m-by-n cellarray, where m is the number of records and n isthe number of variables requested. If set to true, cdfread combinesall records for a particular variable into one cell in the outputcell array. In this cell, cdfread stores scalardata as a column array. cdfread extends the dimensionalityof nonscalar and string data. For example, instead of creating 1000elements containing 20-by-30 arrays for each record, cdfread storesall the records in one cell as a 1000-by-20-by-30 array
Note:If you use the 'Records' parameter to specify whichrecords to read, you cannot use the 'CombineRecords' parameter.

Note: When using the 'Variable' parameterto read one variable, if the 'CombineRecords' parameteris true, cdfread returns thedata as an M-by-N numeric or character array; it does not put thedata into a cell array.


To improve performance when working with large data files, usethe 'ConvertEpochToDatenum' and 'CombineRecords' options.


How to open cdf files

To improve performance, turn off the file validation which theCDF library does by default when opening files. For more information,see cdflib.setValidate.