SQL Server - for the @RISK Library. New in @RISK 6.2.1: The time required to initialize a simulation of models from Microsoft Project has been dramatically reduced for most cases. Software for risk and decision analysis, including @RISK and the DecisionTools Suite. Manage risk in your business decisions by using Monte Carlo Simulation and optimization to show possible outcomes directly in your Microsoft Excel spr. @RISK is a leading spreadsheet analysis tool allowing you to incorporate risk and probabilities into your Excel models. It performs risk analysis using Monte Carlo simulation to show you many possible outcomes in your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet—and tells you how likely they are to occur. On @RISK for Cost and Schedule Risk using Risk Registers (with example model) @RISK can be used in conjunction with MS Project and Excel to model the schedule and cost risks inherent in large, complex projects. This example demonstrates the use of @RISK to build a complete model of the construction of a new commercial venue.
Home → Troubleshooting → @RISK for Excel: Simulation → Simulation Used to Run, Now Crashes Excel
Risk Excel Template
Applies to: @RISK 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7.0 in 32-bit Excel 2013 or 2016
My simulation used to run okay, but now the same file crashes Excel during simulation.
If you're running 64-bit Excel, or Excel 2010 or earlier, this article does not apply to you. (Which Version of Excel Am I Running? guides you to find your Excel version and whether it's 32-bit or 64-bit; the same screen should show you the build number.)
In June 2016, Microsoft updated 32-bit Excel 2013 and 2016 to make them 'large address aware'. (For more about the update, see the starred note at the end of Should I Install 64-bit Excel?) @RISK 7.0 and earlier cannot run large simulations correctly with this update in place.
To see if you have the update, check your Excel build number. If your build number in Excel 2013 is 15.0.4833.1000 or higher, or your build number in Excel 2016 is 16.0.4390.1000 or higher, then you have the update. In that case you should upgrade your @RISK or DecisionTools Suite to our latest version, which has new programming to accommodate this change by Microsoft. If you have a lower build than those, then something else is the cause; see 'Out of Memory' for a starting point.
Risk Excellence
Last edited: 2016-08-12